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A week a post

17 May 2011 5/17/2011 07:52:00 PM
So weird~
You know what?
This photo was took few weeks ago =..=
Now my hair in brown color again
A week a post LOLLL
What I am doing now?
I am working hard and hard
I really envy my friends a lot..
They got a new school life
Its no matter taking Form 6 or college or university
School life is better than working life always =(
Working hard for RM1200
The only target in my working life
I wont continue my work if my salary only RM800!!
Its too hard to stay with somebody else
They are brainless even they are older than me
They wont think about their self before they scold others
They act good to you but talking bad about you to others
I hate this =(
But I force to stay with them too
When we can meet again??
I miss you guys really much =(
Labels: ஓboring·angry·unhappyஓ

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